Sunday, August 15, 2010

Cemil woke up...

I woke up this morning. Funny thing about that, it happens every morning but I feel like this morning was a little different.

I spend a lot of time doing all kinds of interesting things. I like to mess about with video games and such, but most of my time is spent finding out new things. I love finding out new things and hearing new ideas from people, or learning about people I've never heard from before.

I love the acquisition of knowledge, it's one of my passions in life. And I have my own standards as to what is worthwhile or not and I'm quite happy to operate by them.

I am rarely surprised by people. But I am constantly surprised by myself. It's not that I lose the drive to do something or not to do something it's that I forget that I have it. I honestly sometimes forget about the small stuff inbetween me as I am now and me as I want to be, or what I want to have done.

It's bizarre but that's me. So I woke up and realised that I have things that I need to do and get done, expectations of myself and such. Ah. I really wish I wasn't this way and that my brain would work like normal people's but alas, my talent for deception really does extend to myself in a way that's disturbing.

Oh well, I can't fool myself for long. I have shit to get done, ciao!

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